Monday, February 22, 2010


It is funny how friends come and go. Some you want to go and some you want to stay. Some are always there, always talking with you. Others are just around and you see them sometimes but don't so much hang out together. Then there are the friends that only talk to you when they need something. For the most part I do not like to call them friends. They are the kind of friend that only calls when they need something, they'll blow you off for anything else, and when you need something they are too busy. But no matter what you are still their friend and stick by them when they need you.

But then you have a group like the one in this picture. Friends that are always around no matter what. Whether it be to party, or to help you move they are there. These are your friends that always have your back. Your friends that can laugh at you but with you as well. I am grateful for my friends like this. I am grateful for my constant friends in my life that are always there. Where would I be without them? That answer I do not want to know.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The China Study

I started reading several books recently; Exercise Physiology, The China Study, and a book on sulfur and its uses in getting back to health. All three of these books excite me. But one excites me more than the rest. The China Study. Why am I interested in this book? This book is very educational and can possibly save lives. Its about changing the way you eat and live and the extraordinary effects it can have. It has so much scientific evidence to back it up. Its not illusionary or hypothetical, it is from legitimate research findings. Thus far I am enjoying the book. I cannot wait to finish it and then read it again. Check it out.
The picture that accompanies this is completely random to what I just typed. Its the roommate enjoying the sunset and starring at the pond by the house.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Today I weigh roughly 132 pounds... I added about five pounds since my surgery. Not that much weight really. By the end of July I am going to weigh right around 155lbs. I've got a lot of working out to do but that will be easy, my room doubles as a gym. I'm only 5'7" tall, and I think 132 is pretty low. And who doesn't enjoy having some muscle? So here's to tomorrow, day three of working out.
I am going to attack this challenge. The all-knowing Dr. Cox from the show Scrubs said, "Once you look in the mirror and enjoy what you see, you lose." Some aspects I see in my mirror I enjoy. That would be all the inward stuff. Believe it or not I have never so much enjoyed the way I look. I finally got skinny, not that I was obese, and I like it. But I would enjoy having a little more muscle. It will not only help me get back into playing soccer more, it will provide me with a look that says, "I can totally work you over on the massage table."
Some people see me and my 132 lbs. and laugh. I've been turned down by people because I am a "small" person that probably could not hit the depth and pressure they would like. If only they knew. Just another motivation to get bigger. Day three starts tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I got bored.

A "dock" of sorts.

So i took some pictures and put them on here. This is my shoe on my longboard as i was boarding about the community i live in.
I love taking about a hundred or so pictures with my camera and only liking two of them. It is a lot of fun though.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Expedition Leader

"Every man is the leader of his own expedition. A reconnoiter of his own uncharted potential. No destination is the destination of the undestined. But he who wanders with purpose has no purpose to wander."

The most amazing quote to come from any beer commercial.

Sounds like I am off to a good start with this one. I feel like I have truly grasped my on destiny and I reign over it. I am where I am because I have put myself there. I put myself through school and made a decision not many people would do. I am leading my life and I will take myself wherever I want to go. There may be speed bumps along the way but I will get over them. Who gets stuck on a speed bump anyway?

Today I created... a blog.

My roommate and I just finished applying conditioner to the various leather furniture around the house. I have nothing planned for the day other than going to look at a new vehicle. The Beast (my 1990 Chevy C1500) is having issues and is not as reliable as it once was. I can drive it about 400 miles and then it needs something else done to it. Hopefully this week some of it's issues can be resolved as I take it to the shop. Anyway, I was wondering what to do when my cousin had me read her blog. I had seen other's blogs before and did not so much know why I would ever need such a thing. I guess we will just see how this goes. I would rather just stick with my amazing friend Facebook, but whatever. Here's to blogging. And here is the link to my group page The Endeavor.!/group.php?gid=295914108240