Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Year...

A year and change has passed since my last post. My Keeley is one year old. She is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I thought human anatomy was cool. Psh... Babies growing up are even cooler! My little "nuggler" is getting big. Funny, people told me that would happen. She likes to dance, play with her toys, and point at random objects. She says a few words like "Uh oh" "Dada" "nose" "bee" and of course "mama." She loves green and fruits. She recently tried steak that I cooked and loved it. She still bumps to Far East Movement and whatever else I like to listen to. She is on the verge of walking. I can't wait to play hide and seek with her!

Casey is doing amazing as well! She has a great job at Massage Envy. I love my women so much. They make my day. I LOVE my job at BackFit. Exercise Therapy is my life. It is so rewarding. My patients tell me I do great work, and it shows. I love seeing the progress from day one when someone walks in in so much pain and a few weeks later they are almost skipping out the door. It makes me so happy that I don't want to work anywhere else again.

The crew at BackFit is awesome. I'm sad my cousin is leaving our office though. She is pretty cool and it's nice to have some inside jokes that preceed the six months I've been at the office. But I wish her the best. No one else is leaving and that is great. The other E.T.s are pretty cool. Even if we just shoot the stuff or hardly talk because we're so busy, it is still a good day. The other C.A. is relatively new but still pretty cool. It has been fun getting to know her. I look forward to every day at work with these people. The Doctors at our office are pretty awesome. I am thankful to my father for instilling in me the love of music. Music can break down barriers. I get along with both Dr.s well. One was impressed with my music taste and I think that helped him warm up to me.

One Doc really intimidated me when I first started working as a Marketing Therapist for them. I was worried to start in his office. Luckily I got over that, because he is an awesome guy. It turns out we are very similar whether he knows it or not. We have a similar thought process and look at things the same way. Scientifically and logically. I am proud to work with the Dr.s at our office. I have been getting adjusted three times a week to restore the curve in my neck. I feel so much better now. My acid reflux is slowly going away. Working in healthcare has made me step back and look at my own health.

I am not unhealthy, I gave a kidney away three years ago. I still maintain great health as far as that is concerned. I posted a few years back about gaining weight. I meant muscle. That didn't happen. I gained fat, whether people see it our not. I was 135 and went up to 165 by the time my daughter was born. Today I am down to 152. I plan on reducing my "unhealthy" weight and then starting a workout routine again. Yes I work out at work, but it is not enough. It's more like "this is how you do the exercise and this is how it looks when it's wrong." My core is pretty awesome, and my muscles are looking lean again. I love the lean look, but I want to be bigger. I want to be a good size, big enough for people to see that I do keep healthy, but not so big as to intimidate our patients that come limping in.

The last couple of years have been the best of my life. I have friends that say the best two years are on a Mission. That is for them. For me, the last two years have been the best. I did not convert masses to Christianity or a demonic cult or whatever. I did not win the nobel peace prize or create the Iron Man, (if only). No that did not happen. What did happen, Casey and Keeley, and my amazing job. I can't help but feel blessed. I can't help but look back at all the work it took to get here. All the times I've laughed and cried. All the friends that have come and gone. All the jobs I've had. The places I've lived and places I've traveled. All the wandering and feeling lost. All of that and now I'm here.

Two years ago I did not know how I would make rent or any other bills. I did not know if I could afford groceries. I did not care. Yet somehow I was still so stressed and drunk and just truly lost. When I met Casey that continued for a little while, only a few months to be a little precise. Now, my feet are planted on solid ground. My future is full of amazing wonder. I look forward to every day. I've also nearly quit the drinking. I had one during a birthdat party. Totally off the hook. Haha.

"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind." Winston Churchill said that. He also said, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." I hope to remain the stalwart optimist I have always been. I will stand here with my feet planted and looking forward always. Walt Disney said, "Always keep moving forward." So be it. I hope you have enjoyed this article. To quote one last person, "I know I've got one thing I got to do...
Ramble On...."

Monday, June 27, 2011

Daddy-dom: June 21st 2011

I went to bed at 3 A.M. just in time for Casey to wake up with back pains. I woke up at ten and got ready for Casey's weekly check-up. Dr. T. told her to go straight to the hospital, no stops, Keeley was coming! At 5:15 P.M. Keeley Jewell Shreeve joined us will only a little cry. She is the most calm baby I have ever met, not to mention the most beautiful.

I heard somewhere that you never know how much your parents love you until you have your own child. That's an understatement. Not only that, but you never know how much guilt you feel for things you did/said to your parents. Made my heart sink.

To the right: Keeley just moments after being born.

Looking at my wonderful little child I feel so much love I can't explain it. She is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Casey bakes a good-looking baby. Keeley takes after her mom; calm, quiet, and gorgeous of course. The stink.... well we know who that's from. I love these two girls so much. It has been almost a week since Keeley was born. Just one week. One week and I can't imagine life without Keeley or Casey. I have never been so happy in my life.
To the left: (left to right) Keeley, Casey, and I.

I never was able to understand how people tolerated babies crying and changing their diapers. Well now that Keeley is here I get it. I also get all the things my parents did for me. Everything they sacrificed to give me what I wanted. They are truly amazing people. Especially for putting up with me.

I cannot wait to see what Keeley has in store for us! It is going to be an amazing ride!

Below: Keeley plotting already!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What We Do...

...Defines us.

On the Saturday the World was supposed to end... Here I am still alive and resurrecting my Blog. All that I have managed to do so far; make a pot roast, watch the movies Braveheart and Fargo, and read some comic books.

This last Tuesday I proposed to my girlfriend, she said yes. This makes me very happy. She is such an amazing woman and I love her. She is my best friend and unlike my other "best friends" she will always be there. I hate that this glorious week for us is cast in shadow.

I have a new phrase or saying, "If you hand someone a knife its more likely to end up in your back than at the table by your plate." That's how I have been feeling lately. So much stuff that I've learned. Yes most is past stuff and a lot is new. I usually don't let my past or others past mess with me. But this is a tough situation. An, "Et Tu Brute?" situation. However, there are more than one Brutus. Dun dun dun.... the plot thickens.

That's all I have to say about that. So here it is,
my Lady's ring... and her baby bump.
Speaking of which, our daughter Keeley, (Key-Lee) will be here July 7th! I am so excited and can't wait to meet this kid. She bumps to Far East Movement. She kicks like a soccer player to Metallica and Nirvana. Already I'm wrapped around her finger. About a month and half and she will be here. I hope I'm ready!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Babies are popping out everywhere! Today my niece was born! She weighs 8 pounds 4 oz. And she is 21 inches long. I am so excited for my brother Zane and I cannot wait to meet the newest addition to the Ewton family.

The picture to the left is one that Zane took of baby Ewton. There is talk that her name will be Maggie. The name sounds amazing. Even Rod Stewart made that name sound cool.
(nothing against Rod).

Seeing the pictures of my niece just makes me even more excited about my baby. Monday is our next check-up. Sadly it is not the one that we found out what sex our baby is. That check-up is four weeks away. I cannot wait for it. Someone asked me if I knew what we were having and I smartly responded, "A baby... But a monster would be cool too!" Hopefully I didn't jinx myself and this kid won't be a little terror. Even if it is, I still can't wait.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Casey Ann Pack. Gorgeous. Funny. Smart. Just a few things to define her but certainly not enough. Casey and I met last August and we started dating then. Head over heels for this girl. She is amazing. She does so much for me and notices all the little things.
I Love this girl.
We have so much fun together just doing nothing. It is so awesome to find someone like her. Which is awesome, because we are having a baby! We found out the first week in November that she was pregnant. Right now she is 15 weeks and 6 days. We find out what sex the baby is in 4 weeks and we can't wait!This was our first ultrasound at 6.5 weeks. That is our little Shreeve peanut!

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Monday, January 17, 2011

High-Five Client!

Today I had the opportunity to work with a client of mine. My client is a good person that likes to run. Because my client likes to run in marathons, my client also likes to receive massage. And that is why I got to see my client today.
Lately I have been kind of down about Massage Envy. So many changes going on and so many people upset by it. I am a fairly open person that likes change, at least I tell myself that. With all of the changing going on I have been looking for another part-time job. I have been looking since about August, shortly after I left Precision Muscle Recovery. I have had several interviews and missed out on several great jobs. All because one thing; not enough experience. That has hurt my pride quite a bit.
Today when I saw my client I was feeling kind of bummed again. But my client, and I will send them a 'thank you' letter, gave me more reason to keep my head up. My client has been with M.E. for years and was always bounced back and forth between the not-so-great and the too-good-for-M.E. therapists. Because of that my client was going to give up on receiving massage... Until I worked on them.
Not only did that boost my mood but it also brought my confidence back up! High-Five client!

This year I gave out $2,180 worth of FREE massages! I must be crazy. That's one massage a month for four people! Geeze. If only I had my clientele base to that. Sure it is only $45 for one session, but that's $180 a month! Time to get back to work!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas! I'm Back! MWahahaha!

Hey Friends! It has been a very very long time! Well now I am back! And since my last post, May 20th, much has happened! I will sum it up real quick like.
I quit working for myself.
I Been told my kidney is still AWESOME!
And I got a haircut!
I am having a BABY! Yup, that is correct! A baby. Me, a daddy. SO exciting!
In August I started dating Casey Ann Pack, we fell quick and now here we are with our first baby on the way! I mean can't you see how happy i am?! (See picture left.)

Anyway. That's about all I have time to write! I will update soon cause I will be bored like that!